Mango Frooti is one of the tasty and popular beverage recipe. So the step by step pictures and instructions of Mango Frooti recipe are given below, hope you all like it. Usually frooti is sold in all grocery shops, snacks shops etc. Mango frooti is one of the best summer special beverage drink. And even mango is a summer seasonal fruit. So, using mango we can make many recipe, juices, sweets etc. Mango frooti is made with raw and with ripe mangoes.
Ingredients used in this recipe are:
The ingredients used in this recipes are raw mango, ripe mango, sugar, water.

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Tags: Mango Frooti, Frooti, how to make mango frooti at home, mango juice, beverages, mango drink.
How to make Mango Frooti Recipe:

Mango Frooti|how to make Mango Frooti at home
Mango Frooti is a tasty and cooling summer beverage recipe with step by step pictures and instructions are given below.
- Mixer jar
- Mixing bowl
- 1 cup Ripe Mango pulp
- ½ cup Slightly raw mango pulp
- ½ cup Sugar
- 2 cups Water
- Firstly take one cup of ripe mango pulp and half cup raw mango pulp. Then keep it aside.
- Take a sauce pan and add in all the ripe and raw mangoes, water. Later close the lid and cook for 5 minutes.
- Meanwhile take a small pan and add in water, sugar. Then allow it boil for 5 minutes and allow it cool down completely.
- After boiling strain off the extract water and keep it aside to cool down completely. And then transfer the mango pulps to the mixer jar and reserve the excess water in another bowl.
- Reserve the extract mango water in another bowl. Ground them into a smooth paste.
- Now transfer the grounded mango pulp to another bowl and add in the reserved mango extract water. Mix well.
- Now strain the mango juice with the help of a strainer. Now add in the boiled and cooled sugar water. Mix well.
- Finally the Mango juice is ready to serve.
- We can store it in refrigerator for one week.
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