Orange Carrot Juice

Orange and Carrot Juice

As summer is approaching we like to have some healthy juices. So, here is one juice that is combination of orange and carrot juice.

Oranges excellent source of Vitamin C. Oranges are good for preventing cold and prevents skin damages, keeps blood pressure under check, lowers cholesterol , good eye health, safeguard against constipation

Orange and Carrot Juice

Orange and Carrot juice are good source of Vitamins and minerals. This is a healthy and refreshing drink. Childrens

  • 2 nos. Carrots
  • 2 nos. Orange
  • ½ Lemon (Optional)
  • Pinch Salt
  • 1 tsp Honey or date syrup or sugar
  • 1 tbsptsp Mint or Tulsi leaves (Optional)
  1. Ingredients are Carrots, Oranges, Honey, Pinch of Salt, Mint or tulsi leaves.

  2. Take a Mixer jar and add Carrots, Oranges grind and extract juice

  3. Add pinch of salt, honey or sugar and lemon juice mix well and now the fresh orange and carrot juice is ready to serve.

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A passionate home cook and food lover who loves nothing more than sharing my favourite recipes with the world.

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